Plant Sale to start March 18
Published 6:31 pm Friday, March 8, 2019
- Getting Prepared: Shown above are Chambers County Career Technical Center students Zachaeus Turner, a junior from LaFayette High School and Baylee Jones, a junior from Valley High School. Turner and Jones are preparing for the annual FFA Plant Sale.
LaFAYETTE – The Future Farmers of America Agricultural Education program at the Chambers County Career Technical Center will conduct its annual plant sale beginning Monday, March 18, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. CDT. On March 19 and until all inventory is gone, hours of the sale will be 8 a.m. 11:00 a.m. CDT, Monday through Friday. Plants will be sold from the greenhouse located at the rear of the Career Tech campus.
Available items include flowering hanging baskets and ferns for $10 each, foliage hanging baskets for $7 each, vegetable six-pack transplants for $3 each, bedding plants in four-inch pots for $4 each, and bedding plants in six-pack containers for $3 each.
Shoppers are encouraged to purchase their plants as soon the sale begins for best selection. No plants will be sold during the week of Spring Break, March 25-29.