Briefly Told

Published 11:20 am Friday, February 2, 2018

Briefly Told items may be emailed to Please keep brief. Announcements are published twice.

•The February meetings of the Chambers County Commission are set for Monday, February 5, 2018 and Monday, February 26, 2018. The meetings begin at 4 p.m. CST and are held in the Commission Chamber located in the courthouse n downtown LaFayette.

The Shavers Pride Order of the Eastern Star will meet Saturday, Feb. 3, at the lodge hall in Valley. All members please be present.

Email newsletter signup

The Qui Vive Civic Club will hold their annual meeting at the Jane Farrar Event Center, located on North Lanier Avenue in Lanett, at 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2018. Mrs. Jennye Stiggers will be the hostess.

•Chambers County Library Travelers has open registration for an excursion to the Springer Opera House in Columbus Ga. to attend West Side Story on March 16. The cost is $40 and includes motor-coach transportation. The registration deadline is March 5. Please call (334) 768-2161 or email for more information.

•In honor of Black History Month, Bradshaw Library will host a Lunch N Learn program, “George Washington Carver: The Man & the Myth,” on Feb. 16 at 11:30 a.m. Also, on Feb. 9, there will be a viewing of “Hidden Figures,” PG (2016) 1:30 p.m. Call (334) 768-2161 or emailconniebeilfuss@chambers county by Feb 14 to make your free lunch reservation.

The Bonner family reunion meeting will be held at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018, at the St. John Baptist Church in Lanett. The reunion will be taking place in Columbus, Ohio, July 13-15, 2018. All family members and extended family are invited to attend.

•Chambers County Library Travelers has begun registration for a Stay-N-Play trip to visit The Ark Encounter & Creation Museum in Williamstown, Ky., on May 7-11. The cost is $550 (double rate).  A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due by Feb. 28 to reserve your space. Please call (334) 768-2161 or email for more information.

Black History Tour 2018 will be taking place on Saturday, Feb. 17, 2018 at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights and the King Center in Atlanta, Ga. Itinerary includes a visit to the historic gravesite of Dr. and Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr.., Ebenezer Baptist Church, Dr. King’s birthplace, the Eternal Flame, Freedom Hall and the historic Pascal’s Restaurant (one of Dr. King’s favorite places). Ideal for church groups, youth groups, community organizations and clubs. For more information, contact T&J Travels at (334) 707-0737.

•Free Lunch every Thursday at noon, with fellowship and good message from Pastor Chris Hodges of the Church of the Highlands (video telecast) from noon to 1 pm. at Unity of Faith Outreach, 801 South Jennings Ave., Lanett, Ala. (former Junior Achievement building then Vineyard Church in Lanett). All are welcome. (Lunch every week, but Clothes Closet only on the third Thursday of the month).

•A Continuing Education course in Korean Culture will be offered on Southern Union’s Valley campus. The course will focus on Korean culture, traditions, communication and conflict management. The class will meet on Feb. 3, Feb. 17, March 3, March 24, April 21 and May 5 from 10 to 11:45 a.m. EST. The cost will be $50 per student. Please contact Robin Brown at 334-756-4151 extension 5204 or email to obtain registration information.

•A Dementia Support Group is offered through Chattahoochee Hospice. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. EST. Call 756-8043 for details.

•The Christian Service Center is open Mondays and Thursdays for food assistance from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. To apply, you will need your current electric bill and a photo ID. The office is located at 5342 Cusseta Road, Lanett (in the Huguley community). Donations may be delivered during any of these hours.

•Chattahoochee Hospice offers monthly grief support groups on the first Thursday of each month, 1 p.m. EST at the office. Call 756-8043 for more information.

•The Interfaith Food Closet is open Monday, 9 a.m. to noon; Wednesday, 9 a.m. to noon; 5:30-6:30 p.m., Tuesday 1-4, and Thursday 1-4. You will need a driver’s license or photo ID and a current utility bill or a rent receipt if utilities are included with rent. The purpose of the Interfaith Food Closet is to help households with emergency food. We are supported by local foundations and 20-plus local congregations.

•The Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Program, located at 1220 Hogansville Road, Suite 400, LaGrange, provides services to help persons with disabilities obtain and maintain competitive employment. Persons with disabilities in Troup, Heard and Meriwether counties are served. For more information please call 706-298-7270 or call toll-free 844-367-4872.

•The Disabled American Veterans service officer will fill out claims by appointment. He can be reached to schedule an appointment at 334-663-1460.

•Huguley Sobriety Alcoholics Anonymous group meets every Thursday and Sunday at 7 p.m. at the Chattahoochee Valley Clubhouse, 501 South Fifth Ave., Lanett. There’s a 24-hour help line for those suffering from alcohol addiction: 334-476-1625 or 229-296-6045.

•Beulah Senior Center, located beside Beulah High School, offers activities such as rook, bingo, SkipBo, public education, lunch, health promotion, aid, refreshments and daily exercise from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST Monday through Friday for senior citizens 60 and older. Call Carolyn Davis, center manager, at 334-749-5928 for more information.

•Beginning in February , the following multi-week courses will in be offered at Bradshaw Library: “World War II Lessons in Leadership-Part 2,” “Financial Peace University,” “Computer Basics.” “Lifting the Veil: Tuskegee’s Important Role in History.” For more information about how to register for these classes, call (334) 768-2161 or email

•Bradshaw Library will offer a free Reading and Discussion Group for Veterans (combat and non-combat) and their family members entitled “Dialogues n the Experience of War” on Wednesdays, Feb 12-Mar 7. 2018.

from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. Please call (334) 768-2161 or email to register for this program.