County road work underway

Published 10:00 am Wednesday, February 28, 2018

LaFAYETTE — Chambers County Engineer Josh Harvill announced at Monday’s meeting of the Chambers County Commission that work is presently underway on putting in some new drainage structures on County Roads 263, 281 and 282.

“There are two locations on County Roads 281 and 282 and one location on County Road 263 that will require the road to be closed for the replacement of large pipes,” Harvill said. “These pipes are six to seven feet in diameter. The roads may be closed for several weeks at a time for the repairs to be made.”

County Road 282 is commonly known as the Post Oak Fork Road. It goes from the Hickory Flat community in the direction of Fredonia. At the present time, it’s one of the roughest, hard-surface roads in the county. It has been patched many times and is a rough ride from one end to the other.

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CR 282 is not on the list adopted in the county’s 10-year plan for road improvements. That’s because it’s not used as frequently as many other roads in the county.

“The 10-year plan outlines Chambers County’s large resurfacing, paving and bridge replacement projects over the next decade,” Harvill said. “But it does not list all the maintenance services provided across the county’s road and bridge network. Routine day-to-day maintenance of the roadways include, but are not limited to, the patching of potholes, the blading or dirt roads, and mowing of the roadside. We identify the roads for strip patching and spot leveling. This is generally provided on those roads that are not on the 10-year plan but have shown significant deterioration and are in need of repair.”

CR 282 is an ideal example of that.

Harvill explains that such roads can be improved, but it all depends on funding.

Through strip patching and spot leveling, roads can be upgraded but the drainage structures have to be looked at first.

“During the summer of 2018 we will be strip patching and spot leveling several roads within the county,” Harvill said. “However, road surfaces are not improved without first inspecting the drainage pipes underneath.”

That’s what has been taking place on County Roads 263, 281 and 282.

On Feb. 20, county crews closed CR 282 approximately one-half mile south of CR 278 in order to replace a deteriorated pipe.

“Depending on the weather, the road could be reopened by March 8,” Harvill said. “Road improvements will begin in early summer once the culvert replacements have been completed.”

To view updates on Chambers County road closures, along with maps of the affected area, please visit and follow the Chambers County Commission on Facebook.