These stories should be saved
Published 7:59 pm Monday, July 23, 2018
One of the most interesting parts of the Greater Valley Area is the love of history many in the area have.
The reasons for this is obvious, this is a small area that for over a century identified itself by its industries. Homes and schools were built for mill workers and their families and event centers and entertainment venues were built by those people to give them something to do outside the mills. This is an area with a lot of history.
Unfortunately that history is mostly oral, being repeated by older members of families to newer generations. There are no museums where anyone can go and learn, although efforts to do exactly this have been made in the past. And due to abandonment and the expense of restoration, many of the oldest buildings around are in the process of coming down.
It’s been said many times that while the loss of history is a sad thing, we shouldn’t dwell on it for fear that nostalgia will prevent us from moving forward. That doesn’t mean we should forget our history.
That is why the efforts of the Chattahoochee Valley Historical Society are so interesting. The group recently enjoyed a mass telling of family stories presented by a number of area residents.
They spoke on a number of topics, from moving to the area in 1906 to a soap box derby race in 1938.
These are interesting stories that cannot be found anywhere else and were unknown to most.
History is defined by Merriam-Webster as a chronological record of significant events. The more history available to people the better we are as a group. It is from history that we learn our most important lessons and gain are best ideas.
Let’s continue the efforts of the Chattahoochee Historical Society and share our old stories so they can be saved. Who knows what we might learn or gain?