Shawmut alumni give back to school
Published 7:03 pm Thursday, September 6, 2018
- The Shawmut School Reunion Committee has donated a $1,000 check to Bob Harding-Shawmut Elementary School. The money was raised in the recent Shawmut School Reunion, held inside the W.O. Kent Recreation Center on Shawmut Circle. At right, P.I. Johnson presents the check to Allison Burton, the school principal. on behalf of the committee. In front, from left, are kindergarten students Markeice Foreman, Jedidiah Shirah, Tabitha Jordan, Aliana White and Epiphany McDonald. On Row 2, l-r, are committee members Charles and Glenn Hall, Cathy Wright and Martha Milner. In back, l-r, are teachers Lindsey Ennis and Kathryn Garmon, committee members Roy McClendon, Greg Duffey, Roger McDonald, June and P.I. Johnson and Allison Burton.
VALLEY — Bob Harding-Shawmut Elementary School received a very nice gift from the Shawmut School Reunion Committee on Thursday: a $1,000 check. This represents the proceeds from the recent Shawmut School Reunion.
“We are proud to make this donation to help meet the needs of this school,” said P.I. Johnson on behalf of the committee. “We’ve enjoyed working with you, and we hope this will help you.”
“We will let the teachers decide how to use it,” said Principal Allison Burton. “Last year we divided it equally and let them use it for school supplies.”
One year a donation from the School Reunion Committee was used to install some safety doors at the school. Burton said that such donations always helps the school meet its needs and that it’s very much appreciated.
The 20th annual school reunion took place this past August. Approximately 200 former students attend the reunion each year.
They went to school in Shawmut when they were young, and many of them played sports on the Circle or in the gym.
The reunion is something many of them look forward to all year long. It’s a time for reminiscing, renewing old friendships and sitting down to one of their best meals of the year.
A highlight is the singing of the school alma mater. Many of the alumni still know the words by heart.
Money for the annual school donation is raised at the reunion. Some of it is donated at the door and some is generated in a raffle and in an auction.