What a respectful and caring community we live in
Published 4:22 pm Wednesday, March 13, 2019
- Eason
Hello Huguley friends. It is good to have you back here again to check on your friends and neighbors. It is good to have neighbors to help look out for folks. I know we have been hearing a lot about folks helping others this week since the horrible tornadoes came through the Beaureguard area over last weekend. What a tragic week those folks have had this past week. To go from everything going along smoothly to everything you own being blown away in a huge storm. It had to be a really weird thing to go through. I have witnessed so many dozens of people rolling up their sleeves, getting their hands dirty, pulling limbs, hauling debris, stacking block, etc. as they pitch in to help the survivors of the horrific storm try to pick up the pieces of their lives and try to figure out which direction to go in now. It is incomprehensible when you have been through something like this to even remember to put your own shoes on the next day. Having lost our home to a major fire and losing everything except the clothes on our backs, I know how devastating that can be.
We said goodbye to a long-time friend this past week. It seems as we age we are visiting with families and friends of folks that have lost a loved one more often that we used to. I guess that is a sign that we are aging, and we are losing friends and peers that are our age.
One of the most remarkable things we noticed as we got close to the cemetery on Highway 50 was the respect that the residents showed to the funeral procession. Adults and all ages of young folks actually stopped whatever they were doing and faced the street and placed their hands over their heart and stood still until the entire procession passed. Our car was one of the last ones to get to the cemetery. When we got out of the car, we were all talking about what a respectful community it was out there. You could tell the folks out that way had been trained to respect this and it meant a lot to the families and friends of the lady that was laid to rest. Thank you.
Well, we have come to terms with the fact that our Patches probably is not going to return home. It would be very nice if I could explain that to her sister. Since Patches left, we can’t coax Red Girl to go out the back door. I don’t know what traumatized her so bad, but I really think she saw whatever happened to her sister and doesn’t want to go back out. She just sits and looks at me, and I have no words of comfort for her. It is sad.
Call me at (706) 773-6550. I would appreciate it.