Troup County starts honor program
Published 3:46 pm Thursday, August 8, 2019
- Wesleigh Whittle, administrative assistant for the Troup County Human Resources Department, pins Amanda Veal, a clerk for the Troup County Probate Court, who became the first ever recipient of Troup County’s Strongest Link Award. --Alicia B. Hill
By Alicia B. Hill
On Tuesday, Amanda Veal, a clerk for the Troup County Probate Court, became the first ever recipient of Troup County’s Strongest Link Award.
Veal was recognized for her work for the county, with a plaque, special name tag and prizes from local companies.
“Amanda, we just want to thank you for all your hard work, for your dedication and your loyalty to serving Troup County,” said Wesleigh Whittle, administrative assistant for the Troup County Human Resources Department. “We truly feel that you are the strongest link in our chain.”
While Veal was the first honoree, Whittle said that there will be many more to come.
“This month Troup County did roll out a new program called the Strongest Link,” Whittle said. “The Strongest Link Award is a much-needed award given to a deserving employee who has demonstrated excellent performance, productivity, loyalty and professional pride, and honors them for accomplishments.”
Veal also recieved prizes donated by local companies — including a cooler from Jackson Services, a gift basket from Creative Call-Ins, a gift certificate to Longhorn Steakhouse and other prizes from America’s Best Garage Doors, Cofield Comfort Systems, Chick-fil-A on Commerce Avenue, Mud Creek Graphics, Stephens Exclusives and Van’s Hardware.
“When Wesleigh got the word out to a lot of our vendors, they stepped up and said, ‘We would love to be part of this,’” County Manager Eric Mosley said. “They loved the idea of really complementing our employees, and I think it was really exciting to see the number of applicants we got in this first month. It is remarkable.”
According to Whittle, the winner of the monthly Strongest Link Award will be nominated by other county employees, and a volunteer committee will select the recipient from the nominations.
“The award recognizes that all county employees link together to form a chain,” Whittle said. “That chain provides the residents of Troup County with excellent service. That service is as strong as the weakest link in the chain. Therefore, all employees should strive to be a strong link.”
According to Whittle, the county will honor one employee each month with the award, and one employee will receive a special award at the end of the year.
Other items covered during the meeting included:
The Troup County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a juvenile court request to lift the hiring freeze to fill the vacant full-time senior probation officer position.
The board of commissioners approved the county’s application for a Georgia DNR Outdoor Stewardship Grant for Pyne Road Park. Potential grant amounts range from $300,000 to $1 million, which could be used for a project that is already planned for the park.
The board of commissioners unanimously approved updates to Title VI for Troup Transit, which would consider changes to Troup Transit for Title VI requirements.
The Troup County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a contract with Barge Consulting for a Troup County Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The planning process was discussed in depth on Thursday.
The board of commissioners unanimously approved the 2019 Capital Improvement Element annual update reporting for the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. The CIE fee will remain at $0.
The board of commissioners held a first hearing on a rezoning of property on Glass Bridge Road, Earl Cook Road and Old Kimbrough Road from planned unit development to agricultural. One person spoke in favor of returning the property to its original use.
The board unanimously approved a mobile home placement on the 2700 block of Hamilton Road.
The Troup County Board of Commissioners will meet again on Thursday, Aug. 15 at 9 a.m. at 100 Ridley Ave.