Brady: Solution to dilute mass shootings
Published 4:03 pm Friday, September 6, 2019
- Hal Brady
Hal Brady
Owner and operator of a Christian ministry in Decatur
For several years now, we have been stunned, shocked and saddened to learn of this senseless killings-in our theaters, schools, stores, malls, concerts, religious institutions, entertainment centers, companies, newspapers, festivals, restaurants and other.
Like many of you, I have prayed and continue to pray for the families of victims, the wounded, law enforcement agencies, the first responders, medical communities, governmental officials, citizens, cities and the nation.
However, if we just continue doing the same things, chances are we will experience the same results. God forbid, but we have.
In this article, I would like to share a few thoughts that might help with this untenable situation of mass shootings in this country.
First, in the aftermath of these horrific shootings, finger-pointing is not helpful and only more divisive. Truth is, no single individual, group, party or race is totally to blame.
All of us are responsible for creating or allowing an atmosphere of hate and discord to hang over our people and land.
Second, media coverage is important and appreciated. However, the danger is that unstable people will latch on to the continuing coverage and in watching decide that it is their time for a day in the sun.
Third, one of the crucial needs is for all of us to work closely with our mental health specialist.
Fourth, another positive would be a renewal of American family life. In a recent newspaper column, Mona Charen, writer for the Creator’s Syndicate, stated, “The very best way to tame male aggression is to surround the growing boy with two parents and second with a community that offers positive outlets for his energy and drive…”
Now, I have mentioned all this to make this suggestion in regard to mass shootings.
If I were President of the United States I would immediately appoint a “Blue Ribbon” Task Force to attempt an enhanced dilution to this critical issue.
The task force would be composed of the following: law enforcement personnel, mental health experts, counselors, by-partisan political servants, business leaders, minority representatives, media personnel, family members of victims, religious leaders, concerned citizens, and other needed experts.
The point is to pray about this and get started. Perhaps a media or social media push is the way to get this “Blue Ribbon” Task Force appointed and at work.
It’s past time to corporately address, prioritize and move forward together in solving this deadly issue of sorrow and sadness.