OUR VIEW: Alabama needs you to be counted

Published 1:00 pm Saturday, September 28, 2019

This year April 1 will not be just any ordinary April Fool’s Day, it is also Census Day. The census, as mandated by the United States Constitution, is conducted every 10 years.

The census is much more than a head count — it is a snapshot of America that serves a much greater purpose.

With the addition of a citizenship question this year, the fear is that participation will drop and possibly undercount people currently living in the United States.

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Undercounting could have far-reaching consequences, creating ripple effects that would be felt right here in Chambers County.

The census will determine how much money states receive for schools, hospitals, roads and human services. The 2020 census will determine how $675 billion will be split up nationwide amongst the municipalities.

Businesses also use the census to determine where to build facilities that offer jobs; local government uses the data for public safety and developers use the information to decide where to build homes.

The census also determines how many representatives each state will have in Washington for the next 10 years.

As Gov. Kay Ivey has stated, Alabama needs to a 70 percent return of this year’s census, or it is in danger of losing a member of Congress for the first time in 50 years.

An undercount would not only affect this seat but also affect federal funding services, including Medicaid.

With that in mind, we urge every citizen of Chambers County to reply to the census. In doing so, you truly have a voice in how our community can prosper in the future.

The only useful data is accurate data, and it is up to all of us to provide the most accurate information.