Hero Award recognizes Maci Harmon for outstanding contribution to LaFayette Main Street

Published 9:00 am Saturday, August 19, 2023

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Maci Harmon won the hero award for her commitment and dedication to LaFayette Main Street’s projects on Aug.17 at Main Street Alabama’s tenth annual Awards of Excellence Banquet in Huntsville.

According to Main Street Alabama, the hero award recognizes individuals who “have made an outstanding contribution to their local Main Street program.” LaFayette Main Street Director DeAnna Hand said she nominated Harmon for this exact reason.

“She has been a vital and dedicated part of LaFayette Main Street,” Hand said. 

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Hand nominated Harmon for the award due to the hard work she exhibited since the beginning of the project. Harmon serves on the Promotions Committee of LaFayette Main Street. 

“Maci has made a tremendous impact on our community. She serves and volunteers with passion and creativity. As a member of our promotion committee, Maci dedicates her time, inspiring ideas [and] building a great environment for all. LaFayette Main Street is so lucky to have her hard work and determination that is driving a change in our town,” Hand said in a press release.

Projects and individuals that made significant community contributions were recognized by Main Street Alabama’s President and State Coordinator, Mary Helmer Wirth, and Assistant State Coordinator, Trisha Black. 

“Last night, a celebration was held to recognize the achievements of various local Main Street programs,” Wirth said in the press release. “Each community has been working tirelessly to improve, reinvigorate, and revitalize their downtown or district. The success stories shared at the event were truly inspiring, showcasing the dedication of businesses, organizations, and individuals in making their communities the best they can be.”

The Awards of Excellence program aimed to spotlight the honorees for their categories.

The Awards of Excellence recognized winners for Adaptive Reuse, Preservation, Historic Rehabilitation, Fundraising, Public/Private Partnerships, Business Development, Economic Impact, Promotion, Business Promotion, Marketing, Tourism, Volunteer Development, Placemaking, Design Development, Non-Historic Building Design, Reinvestment, and Planning and Public Space.

According to a press release, the event was sponsored by Alabama Municipal Electric Authority and Alfa Companies.