Forever a Wildcat: Springwood Seniors graduate

Published 10:00 am Thursday, May 23, 2024

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As over 40 students gathered in the Boswell gymnasium, they said goodbye to their home of Springwood School during the 2024 class graduation ceremony. 

For many of the students, Springwood had been their home for the last 12 years. After the processional, John Fuller from Chattahoochee Valley Educational Foundation Board of Trustees gave the opening prayer to the students.

Then, Springwood Head of School Dr. Kim Plank welcomed the students, faculty and family members to the ceremony. She introduced the 2024 salutatorian and valedictorian to the stage for their speeches. 

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Charlie Key, the salutatorian and Miss Georgia Teen in the 2022 pageant encouraged her classmates to remember the people who had helped get to the stage that day. 

“Now that you are ready to take off today [from] the four walls that surrounded you for the last four years, think about the people inside those walls, your family, whether that’s your grandparents, siblings, friends, or whoever. These are the people that are pushing you to get out of bed every morning,” Key said. 

Lydia Joy Camp, the valedictorian, spoke about coming to Springwood after being homeschooled and how she was welcomed by everyone. She also mentioned teachers who encouraged and kept her from giving up. 

“[Mr. Murphy Wood] told me that I had two options. I could either work really hard and see what happened or I could give up and remain a failure,” Camp said.

Camp said the advice gave her the push she needed to power through the class and pass.

After 41 students crossed the stage with their diplomas, new graduates Key and Lillian Johnson came up to sing the Springwood alma mater. The closing prayer was done by Natalie Wolfe, this year’s class president. 

Finally, all the students rose for the recessional.