Historic LaFayette Revamped

Published 3:20 pm Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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Several local business owners presented their proposed renovations to storefronts in downtown LaFayette at the Historic Preservation Board meeting on Monday night. 

With the LaFayette Main Street’s recent grant applications for storefront/facade renovations, many of LaFayette’s businesses are looking to get a facelift. LaFayette was designated a Main Street, meaning that the organization will work to revitalize and beautify the downtown area. 

The HPB heard and voted on proposed projects along South LaFayette Street, Alabama Avenue and 1st Street in downtown. 

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Some of the downtown storefronts taking advantage of the grant are Pamela Whitlow Holloway’s Blessed Body Fitness, Dori Harmon’s Harmon Insurance and Kim Langley and Steve White’s The Venue on Alabama Avenue. 

The first proposed projects came from business owner and landlord David Howard. Howard proposed refinishing painting on four rental properties along 1st Street. He also submitted a project proposal to pave some of the property leading up to the tin doors at 19 South LaFayette Street, both of which the board approved. 

The facade, owned by Howard, was a popular subject of interest at the LaFayette Main Street’s Urban Development Plan meeting with Auburn University Urban Design students. Many of the students who recently toured downtown suggested the building as a possible green space or area for food trucks or other entertainment endeavors. 

To that end, Howard plans to fill in some space between the sidewalk and the current tin doors to the green area inside. He also plans to use a mobile, moveable ramp for the sidewalk and curb to allow food trucks better access to the area. 

Howard also presented a project proposal on the Martin Theatre on Alabama Avenue as a board member for the Chambers County Educational Foundation (CCEF).